Buy Books Workbooks

We have many books and workbooks our clients find useful. If you would like to purchase any of these, click on the link to order.

Larry recommends these self-help resources:

Leslie Korn    Leslie Korn: Eat Right, Feel Right

Improve mood, sleep and focus with these nutrient-rich recipes and handy tips. Eat Right, Feel Right teaches you the do's and don'ts of using ingredients in entrees, snacks, soups, smoothies and dressings to make you an at-home mental health chef.

Learn: Focus-inducing capabilities of lemons and chocolate, How to start a love affair with beets, The anxiety reducing powers of vinegar, How sweet potatoes support an immune system under stress, Benefits of watermelon as a sleep aid, Which food to avoid, And much more!     Leslie Korn: Natural Woman

Plant medicines are a woman's ally to achieve optimal health; they bring balance and nourishment to daily life and can reduce or eliminate symptoms of physical and emotional distress. They can also provide alternatives to many pharmaceuticals. This go-to herbal sourcebook gives women the tools to thrive throughout their lives, with remedies using common herbs and plants to support a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Dr. Leslie Korn brings over forty years of experience in numerous herbal traditions and healing modalities, offering timeless wisdom in this herbal companion that can be shared with friends and passed down in the family for generations. She offers treatments using common and easy-to-obtain herbs to address sleep disorders, menstrual issues, autoimmune conditions, anxiety, headaches and migraines, stomach issues, fertility issues, postpartum recovery, skin ailments, common discomforts that affect children, and much more.

Korn also offers herbal guidance for rites of passage, moments of community, psychoactive herbs, and a protocol for end-of-life care, as well as a comprehensive resources section    Leslie Korn: The Good Mood Kitchen

Revolutionize your personal cooking and eating habits for optimal energy, health, and emotional well-being. This book of mood-savvy tips, tools, and delicious recipes guides you step by step through all the essentials. It features dozens of easy-to-understand graphics, lists, and charts to help prioritize choices for maximum benefit.

Learn how to: Assess your unique digestive style and nutritional needs and develop the diet that’s right for you. Substitute problem foods, ingredients, and habits with healthy, delectable alternatives. Navigate gluten sensitivity and other allergies. Use smarter, healthier food preparation options for busy schedules. Identify common nutritional complications behind depression, anxiety, and other mood challenges. Engage family and friends in nutritional change. And much more.

This is the essential dietary road map for anyone interested in improved mental well-being. Explore tasty, life-changing ways to eat healthier―and happier!    Leslie Korn: The Brainbow Blueprint

Although whole-person wellness is about the integration of mind, body, and spirit, mainstream approaches to health care are often segmented―focusing too much on the disease rather than the person. The Brainbow Blueprint® bridges the gaps in today’s mental health treatment.

Based on over four decades of research and clinical practice, this book is the first of its kind to combine the fields of psychotherapy, somatics, nutrition, biology, herbal medicine, and spirituality to address the needs of the whole person. Accessible to both beginning and advanced practitioners, the methods in this book harmonize and overlap with each other―focusing on integration―to help clients get in touch with themselves so they can better manage symptoms of depression, anxiety, OCD, insomnia, chronic pain, substance use disorder, digestive issues, and more.

Filled with step-by-step handouts, worksheets, adherence strategies, culinary medicine recipes, and clinical assessments, The Brainbow Blueprint is the comprehensive roadmap you need to incorporate the emerging and revolutionary field of integrative medicine and nutrition into your practice.    Leslie Korn: Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health

Diet is an essential component of a client’s clinical profile. Few therapists, however, have any nutritional training, and many don’t know where to begin. In Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health, Leslie Korn provides clinicians with a practical guide to the complex relationship between what we eat and the way we think, feel, and interact with the world.

Where there is mental illness there is frequently a history of digestive and nutritional problems. Digestive problems in turn exacerbate mental distress, all of which can be improved by nutritional changes. It’s not unusual for a deficit or excess of certain nutrients to disguise itself as a mood disorder. Indeed, nutritional deficiencies factor into most mental illness―from anxiety and depression to schizophrenia and PTSD―and dietary changes can work alongside or even replace medications to alleviate symptoms and support mental wellness.

Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health offers the mental health clinician the principles and practices necessary to provide clients with nutritional counseling to improve mood and mental health. Integrating clinical evidence with the author’s extensive clinical experience, it takes clinicians step-by-step through the essentials for integrating nutritional therapies into mental health treatment. Throughout, brief clinical vignettes illustrate commonly encountered obstacles and how to overcome them.    Leslie Korn: Preventing & Treating Diabetes: The Native Way

Did you know? Psyllium husk reduces blood glucose levels? To calculate your required amount of daily water intake you divide your weight in half and drink that amount in ounces? Blueberries contain anthocyanadins, a powerful antioxidant that protects against neuropathy? Diabetics are healthier when they eliminate wheat from their diet? This book provides a holistic approach to prevention and treatment, integrating Pacific Northwest American Indian healing traditions with complementary/alternative medicine. Drs. Korn and Ryser provide step-by step methods for patients and health professionals that include the science of natural medicine. Special chapters include, historical trauma, massage and polarity therapy for neuropathy, effective nutritional supplements, herbs, and herbal-nutrient interaction with pharmaceuticals. This book has been approved for 20 continuing education credits for nurses.    Ilchi Lee: I've Decided to live 120 Years

This book has been loved by many big name authors including don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Michael Beckwith, and Dr. Emeran Mayer. This is the book of life mastery for the brave hearted.

For most of our lives, we work hard, reaching for success, until we are faced with retirement. If you retire at age 65, you may think you have about 20 more years to relax and enjoy your life. But what if you had more time? What if you had another 40 or 50 years to live? Would it make a difference in how you lived?

Ilchi Lee stresses that you can extend your life way beyond what most of us have accepted as our biological age limit, even up to 120 years. But the real question is, can we have not only a long life, but also a fulfilling one? Lee's answer is a resounding yes, and it starts with the power of choice, a practice of self-reliance, and most importantly, a greater sense of purpose.

A visionary and master teacher who globalized ancient Korea's mind-body tradition, Ilchi Lee lays out a clear path to a new paradigm of longevity and mastery of life. Through personal experience, compelling stories, the wisdom of an ancient Korean holistic practice, and current research on longevity and fulfillment, Lee shows readers how to live fully at any age without regrets.

The inspiration and practical advice you find in this book propels you to make the necessary changes in your life that would make a 120-year life full of vitality, passion, and purpose possible.


Anam Cara: Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World

When St Patrick came to Ireland in the 5th century AD, he discovered  Christians worshiped one God, the Celts had many and found divinity all around them. The ancient Celtic reverence for the spirit in all things survives today. Now, Irish poet and scholar John O'Donohue shares with secrets of this ancient world. Using authentic Irish prayers and blessings, he reveals the treasures that lie hidden within your own soul and the 'secret divinity' in your relationships.  Click here to purchase.


The Anger Control Workbook by Mathew McKay, Ph.D. and Peter Rogers, Ph. D.

The Anger Control Workbook offers a new, effective approach to anger control that gives you the tools to manage anger in your day-to-day life. You’ll understand how anger affects all areas of your life—physically and emotionally. This workbook shows you how to practice new coping behaviors that allow you to gain control in anger-stimulating situations. Techniques are in a step-by-step format, including exercises and worksheets. It’s arranged to make it easy to put together a program tailored to your obstacles and triggers.  Click here to purchase


Divorce Busting: A Step-by-Step Approach to Making Your Marriage Loving Again

In this book, Michele Weiner-Davis gives effective advice on preventing divorce and how couples can stay together.  Using marriage-enriching, divorce-preventing techniques, can be used if only one spouse participates, Weiner-Davis shows readers how to leave the past behind and set attainable goals, strategies for identifying problem-solving behavior that works—and how to make changes last, methods for breaking unproductive patterns shows readers in pain that working it out is better than getting out.   To purchase, click here

divorce remy

The Divorce Remedy: The Proven 7-Step Program for Saving Your Marriage

Rescue your marriage with the proven techniques of The Divorce Remedy—sound, sensible advice from a renowned relationship expert! Michele Weiner-Davis wrote this empowering and encouraging guide for revitalizing marriage and building stronger, more loving bonds. Weiner-Davis outlines a realistic, solution-oriented seven-step program for managing marital problems, using revealing anecdotes and in-depth case studies, she illustrates practical ways for marriage partners to avoid the “divorce trap”, identify specific marriage-saving goals, become an expert on “doing what works”, overcome infidelity, Internet obsessions, depression, sexual problems, and midlife crises.   To purchase, click here

Fire Road

Fire Road: The Napalm Girl’s Journey through the Horrors of War to Faith, Forgiveness, and Peace  By Kim Phuc Phan Thi 

Get out! Run! We must leave this place! They are going to destroy this whole place! Go, children, run first! Go now!  These were the final shouts nine year-old Kim Phuc heard before her world dissolved into flames―before napalm bombs fell from the sky, burning away her clothing and searing deep into her skin. It’s a moment forever captured, as an iconic image that has come to define the horror and violence of the Vietnam War.  Kim survived the pain of her body ablaze, but how could she possibly survive the pain of her devastated soul?  Fire Road is the true story of how she found he answer in a God who suffered Himself; a Savior who truly understood and cared about the depths of her pain. Fire Road is a story of horror and hope, a harrowing tale of a life changed in an instant―and the power and resilience that can only be found in the power of God’s mercy and love.  To purchase click here.

Getting the Love You Want has helped millions of couples attain more loving, supportive, and deeply satisfying relationships. The 20th anniversary edition contains revisions with a new chapter, new exercises and foreword detailing Dr. Hendrix’s philosophy for eliminating negativity from couples’ daily interactions.  Harville Hendrix, PhD., in partnership with his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD., originated Imago Relationship Therapy, a healing process for couples, prospective couples, and parents. Together they have more than thirty years’ experience as educators and therapists. 

getting love

Getting the Love You Want Workbook

Harville Hendrix with his wife, Helen LaKelly Hunt, published Getting the Love You Want. The book introduces their Imago Relationship Therapy, a unique healing process for couples, prospective couples, and parents.  Doctors Hendrix and Hunt aid couples in their plight for more loving, supportive, and deeply satisfying relationships into lasting sources of love and companionship. 

Click here to purchase

Grief Share

GRIEF SHARE: Your Journey From Mourning to Joy 

The GriefShare participant workbook contains a 13-week video note-taking section, a daily personal Bible study, a weekly journaling and "grief work" section, insights from prominent Christian leaders, helpful articles, Scripture tear-out cards, and a gospel presentation.   To purchase, click here.


Healing from Infidelity: The Divorce Busting® Guide to Rebuilding Your Marriage After an Affair   The feelings of discovering a spouse has been unfaithful leave the one shocked, devastated and overwhelmed, couples often hit stalemates as they struggle to get past intense emotional pain, mistrust, resentment and never-ending arguments about the betrayal.   Weiner-Davis offers a step-by-step program to help readers deal with traumatic feelings after the discovery, respond to questions about the affair, talking about intense emotions without arguing, end the affair,  overcome flashbacks and painful memories, rebuild trust and accountability, find forgiveness  and reconnect sexually.   Click here to purchase

healthy sleep

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr Marc Weissbluth A Step-by-Step Program for a Good Night's Sleep

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How to Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair: A Compact Manual for the Unfaithful 

How to Help Your Spouse Heal from Your Affair offers advice for those who've strayed and want a second chance.  How to avoid the potholes that doom marriages after affairs, 15 essential steps for repair after betrayal.  Click here to purchase.

making mariage

Making Marriage Simple: Ten Relationship-Saving Truths 

Making Marriage Simple is the accessible, essential road map to building a strong marriage in the modern world. Bestselling authors Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt formulate ten essential truths they have learned creating a successful and satisfying relationship.  Each chapter introduces a simple truth—such as “a frustration is a wish in disguise,”  “incompatibility is grounds for marriage,” or “conflict is growth trying to happen”—then walks couples through effective exercises to help them apply each truth in life, every day.   Click here to purchase.


The Mindful Way Workbook: An 8-Week Program to Free Yourself from Depression and Emotional Distress   Imagine an 8-week program that has been tested and proven effective, can help you overcome depression, anxiety, and stress--by learning new ways to respond to your own thoughts and feelings. The expert authors introduce mindfulness practices to try each week, plus reflection questions, tools for keeping track of progress, and helpful comments. Guided meditations are provided on the accompanying MP3 CD and are also available as audio downloads. Note: The MP3 CD can be played on CD players (only those marked "MP3-enabled") as well as on most computers.  Winner (Second Place)--American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award.  Click here to purchase.


The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Depression: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Move Through Depression and Create a Life Worth Living    What if depression could lead to positive change? This edition of The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Depression includes research on self-compassion, mindfulness, and neuroscience to help you live a more meaningful life.  Depression can damage relationships, cause problems at work, lead to substance abuse, and make it more difficult to overcome physical illnesses. You may feel scared to reach out for help, or you may avoid your feelings. Know there are effective ways to overcome depression, one day at a time.  Using the skills outlined in this book, you’ll be able to work through your depression, experience greater peace and well-being, and go on to create a better life.  To purchase, click here.


Positive Addiction by William Glasser

Positive Addiction shows readers how to gain strength and self-esteem through positive behavior.  Click here to purchase.


The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) Details step-by-step techniques for calming the body and mind in an overstimulated world.  This workbook, highly regarded by therapists and their clients, remains the go-to source for stress reduction strategies.  This edition is updated with relaxation techniques proven treatment methods, including progressive relaxation, self-hypnosis, visualization, mindfulness and acceptance therapy.  You'll explore your stress triggers and symptoms, and create a personal plan for stress reduction. Each chapter features a method for relaxation and stress reduction, explains why the method works, and provides on-the-spot exercises you can do to apply that method when you feel stressed.  Click here to purchase.


A Whimsical and Fanciful Coloring Book for Adults"A Whimsical and Fanciful Coloring Book for Adults" is a collection of original drawings by Joseph Copeland.   His coloring book for adults contains drawings for adults and the entire family. He and his wife Yvonne Copeland, a licensed Social Worker, were collaborators of the book. The book can be a tool for stress relief for adults who use art as a mechanism to relax. It  also has pictures that can be used as a fun activity for the entire family. The book contains 40 original drawings.  All drawings are printed on separate pages of the book so completed art can be framed. This book should provide many hours of coloring pleasure!  Click here to purchase.


101 Reasons to Avoid Ritalin Like the Plague by Howard Glasser  This book captures the pivotal decision to put a child on Ritalin or medications. There are many physical and psychological side-effects never mentioned to the parent who is seeking help or being pressured by the school to do something about their child's behavior or poor performance at school. This book advocates for the parent to have full disclosure regarding medications. Most doctors get information from pharmaceutical companies that have an interest in selling medications. The message to the child is "neither you, nor your teacher, nor your parents, nor the doctor can handle you, it scares us and we need to make it go away."  The author discovered a simple, reliable way to help convert  a child's intensity into his source of greatness.   To purchase, click here.


Happy Habits for Every Couple: 21 Days to a Better Relationship by Kathi Lipp  When was the last time you flirted with your husband or wife?  Does your idea of a hot date include a drive-thru and springing for the extra-large fries?  What would your marriage look like after 21 days of turning your attention to happy habits that will better your relationship? In Happy Habits for Every Couple, Kathi Lipp and husband Roger show you practical, fun-filled ways to put love and laughter back into your marriage. Here are a few results you'll see when you put Happy Habits for Every Couple into practice: 1. New levels of warmth and tenderness in your relationship. 2. A deeper sense of security with your spouse. 3. A marriage filled with fun and flirting. This 21-day plan will give you  the boost you need to bring you closer together. To purchase, click here.


I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping and Healing After the Sudden Death of a Loved One by Pamela Blair, PhD   Each year eight million Americans suffer the death of someone close.   Those who face a sudden death, the authors are two women who experienced sudden loss. This edition of the bereavement classic will touch, comfort, uplift and console.  I Wasn't Ready to Say Goodbye covers topics as the first few weeks, suicide, death of a child, children and grief, funerals and rituals, physical effects, homicide, depression, the circumstances of loss, men and women's grieving styles, religion and faith, myths and misunderstandings.  These pages have offered solace to seniors, teenagers, the newly bereaved to those who lost a loved one years ago.  To purchase, click here.


The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge. How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life? In the #1 New York Times international bestseller The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today. To purchase, click here


Getting the Love You Want: a Guide for Couples: Second Edition by Harville Hendrix Become the most connected couple you know with this revolutionary guide, combining behavioral science, depth psychology, social learning theory, Gestalt therapy, and interpersonal neuroscience to help you and your partner recapture joy, enhance closeness, and experience the reward of a deeply fulfilling relationship. To purchase, click here.


What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Oprah Winfrey Have you ever wondered "Why did I do that?" or "Why can't I just control my behavior?" Others may judge our reactions and think, "What's wrong with that person?" When questioning our emotions, it's easy to place the blame on ourselves; holding ourselves and those around us to an impossible standard. It's time we started asking a different question. To purchase, click here.

Chad Suggests the following:

Jack Kornfield "The Wise Heart" Click here to purchase:

Dr. Ronald Siegel on Mindfullness, Website:

Dawn suggests the following Apps/Websites:

Calm (App)- Meditation and relaxation aid that promotes help with sleep and reduces stress and anxiety. This app offers sleep stories, guided education, meditation and music.

Shine (App)User friendly app designed to offer daily check ins to help practice mindfulness and focus on positive mindset and well-being. The app encourages healthy perspective on making self care easier for a busy life. 

Youper (App)This app features emotional health assessments, journal logs, mood logs and a chat feature to help become aware of thoughts and feelings and how they impact our daily living.

Pacifica (App)An app based on cognitive behavioral therapy that allows user to track stress and anxiety with journaling, tracking mood, and practical activities suggested based on self reflection.  This will increase insight regarding depression, stress, and anxiety in daily living. There is also a community support feature. (Website)Storyberries - Fairy Tales, Bedtime Stories and Kids Poems! Read free fairy tales, bedtime stories, nursery rhymes, poems for kids, and short stories for kids. The best free kids books online!


Konnor suggests the following resources:

It's OK to not be Ok (book) - A profound new approach to both the experience of grief and the way we try to help others who have endured tragedy

Greg suggests the following resources:

How to Unf**k Your Brain (book) - Using Science to Get Over Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Freak-Outs, and Triggers by Faith G Harper

Unfuck Your Brain: Getting Over Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Freak-Outs, and Triggers with science (5-Minute Therapy): Harper, Dr: 9781621063049: Books

Erin suggests the following resources:

Trauma Informed Parent Facebook Group

Nature and Thrive blog - Books for teaching children emotional regulation.

The Body Keeps The Score - book by Bessel Van Der Kolk The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma: van der Kolk M.D., Bessel: 9780143127741: Books

Virtual Hope Box - App

Sanvelle for Stress and Anxiety - App

It Gets Better Project - Website It Gets Better

Square Breathing Technique - found on YouTube

Ashlee Lamb suggests the following:

The Neurobiology of WE by Daniel J. Siegel

  Practicing the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz

A Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

The Art of Being by Erich Fromm

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel A. van der Kolk

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson PsyD.

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate

Radical Wholeness: The Embodied Present and the Ordinary Grace of Being

The Love Prescription: Seven Days to More Intimacy, Connection, and Joy by John M. Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman, PhD

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